30-Day Emotional Detox Challenge

With Sherianna Boyle


Take Part on Your Own Time


Imagine if you had a system which allowed you to process rather than avoid, bury or distract yourself from what you feel. Imagine how that might impact your health, relationships, stress levels, self-esteem and more.

My new book Emotional Detox Now gives you that process, it is called the Cleanse Method®. In less than ten minutes a day you can begin to resolve and transform fearful and worrisome emotions into states of calm and ease. With 135 Emotional Detox Cleanse practices you have more than enough to choose from.

The Emotional Detox Experiment

Discover the benefits of true feeling (not reacting) by taking part in this self-love experiment. This 30-day detox challenge teaches you how to value rather than minimize your emotions. Simply follow the three steps below to get started.


Feel Better in 3 Steps

Step 2

Download your Journal

Step 3

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