Media Contact & Press Kit
Sherianna would love to talk to you!
Sherianna Boyle is the founder of Emotional Detox Coaching®, creator of the Cleanse Method®, author of eleven books, and host of Just Ask Spirit Podcast.
To Book Sherianna
If you would like to request an interview for a podcast, article, video, or your event, or or a speaking engagement, please get in touch.
Some of her former speaking engagements include: L’Oreal, Plenty of Fish Dating App, PESI Behavioral Health, Kripalu Yoga & Retreat Center and 1440 Multiversity.
Official Bio
Sherianna Boyle is the author of eleven books, including the latest Just Ask Spirit. She is the founder of Emotional Detox Coaching®, creator of the Cleanse Method®, and author of the Emotional Detox book series. Her book Energy in Action: The Power of Emotions & Intuition to Cultivate Peace and Freedom is transforming the way we think about and approach manifesting. Her book, The Four Gifts of Anxiety, was endorsed by the National Association of Mental Health.
She has been featured in over ninety media articles and voted a top 25 Coach. She is a presenter for PESI® Behavioral and Mental Health Education, Kripalu Health & Yoga Center, and 1440 Multiversity University. Sherianna speaks to individuals, corporations, and organizations about the importance of emotional processing.
She is also host of Just Ask Spirit Radio Show, works part time as an adjunct Professor of Psychology, has been teaching yoga for twenty-years and is a regular contributor to Spirituality & Health Magazine.
Find a more detailed bio on her website.
Social Media
Instagram: @sherianna.boyle
Facebook: @authorsheriannaboyle
Twitter: @sheriannaboyle
Approved Photos
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Topics to Explore
Questions to Ask
What is Spirit?
How are emotions and Spirit connected?
You define manifesting as, Energy in Action, what do you mean by that?
What made you write this book?
How do you Ask Spirit?
How do people interfere with their own manifesting potential?
How do you define manifesting?
What is an Emotional Detox? And signs you could benefit from one.
How can processing our emotions help us manifest a life of joy & ease.
What is the Cleanse Method®? How is it used in Cleanse Yoga® classes?
What is reactivity?
Sherianna welcomes personal examples to explore what can be detoxed in any given situation.
Sherianna’s Books
click to learn more