Three Ways Your Emotions Connect You to Spirit

Sherianna’s Emotional Detox tips are bursting with Spirit!

Most people either overlook or forget to turn to their spiritual guides for clarity, support, healing, wisdom and guidance when they need it. This can happen when emotions are ignored or suppressed in the body. When this occurs, emotions become barriers as opposed to avenues to your divine connection. On the other hand, when emotions are permitted to be processed, the pathway between you and your spiritual team, strengthen, making it easier to receive the messages, healing, abundance and wisdom available to you right now.

What I have learned after years of Emotional Detox Coaching®, is the closer you get to your emotions the stronger your connection to spirit. This is because emotional processing helps you to dissolve ego. Ego is the part of you which operates off fear, scarcity and perceived obstacles. Spirit on the other hand, is the part of you that is unlimited, whole and free.

In my book, Just Ask Spirit: Free Your Emotions to Energize Intuition and Discover Purpose, I share the profound connection between emotions and Spirit. It includes a seven-step mindful process (placed in the acronym of Cleanse) for both emotional processing and connecting to your spiritual guides.

Connect Ask Receive

Includes 57 Questions to Ask Spirit.

Merging spirituality, psychology and mental health in this way can lead to spiritual awakenings. As a result, you may find yourself embarking on a new chapter where many new experiences and opportunities await you. Emotional processing then becomes a way to fulfill your soul purpose.

A great place to start is to understand how magically connected emotions and Spirit are, here are three:

Emotions and Spirit Bring You Balance & Peace

You can’t truly get to know yourself fully without exploring your emotions. For example, the emotion of anger can be both an outward and inward experience. On the outside, you may look impatient, irritated or frustrated, while on the inside you might feel, heat, tension and an urge to lash (or project) outward.

 When you choose to process your emotions, you allow the energy of your emotions to move freely. This movement helps you to create more peaceful states of mind. This can also be true for Spirit. When you choose to take part in practices (e.g. prayer, meditation, singing, breathing) you are consciously choosing to open and receive the energy of Spirit. When combined these practices bring you a sense of inner balance and peace.

Emotions and Spirit Help You Be in the Now.

As an Emotional Detox Coach, one of my mottos is all emotions are processed in the now. You can’t focus on the past, nor the future to process (experience) an emotion. Energy in flow only happens when you place your attention on what is happening right here and now. For example, by placing your attention on your breath (inhale, and exhale) you are moving toward the now. This is the same for connecting to Spirit. When you choose to connect to your higher self, guides and loved ones in Spirit it all happens by noticing and observing from the now. Perhaps a rainbow in the sky, butterfly, or scent of roses reminds you of your mother. Sometimes I think our guides and loved ones surround us to help us turn to the now so we can decrease stress and process our emotions with more ease.

Emotions and Spirit Help You Communicate.

If you are upset about something your emotions can help you to vocalize what you feel. The way you feel may also be communicated through your facial expressions or body language. While at times it may seem like your emotions may get the best of you, when you choose to connect to Spirit, you will find this can help you to communicate clearly from states of calm and ease.

Yet, your communication is not limited to the earthly realms. You may also communicate with your spiritual guides to receive clarity, support, wisdom and healing. Your emotions in flow will help you to open these channels allowing the information between you and Spirit to move freely.

Sherianna Boyle