Want more Wealth? Free Your Emotions

It’s common that the thought of creating wealth brings you a lot of emotional burdens – you’re not alone.

It took me ten years to save up thirty-thousand dollars. I did it the old fashion way, I opened a savings account, got a side job, and slowly stocked it away. Then one of my family members got sick and the medical costs were so high, the money disappeared in just two months. Ugh. Now with a drained bank account and the reality that I invested in a treatment that did not work, you might say, I was a bit devastated.

That’s just a bit of my story.

The story I just shared was one of my pasts I held onto for so long, not knowing that it would become the roadblock to my path towards creating wealth. Sometimes, what you need to create financial freedom is emotional freedom.

If I ask you why you get so much connected with money, you’d tend to talk about how it is necessary to pay your bills and make other money decisions.

Let’s assume you strap an empty backpack to your shoulders. You would be able to move freely and feel little or no pain. However, the moment you stuff the pack with loads, you may want to compare its weight against when it was empty. Now put the backpack down. Oh, you feel relieved, right?

The stuffed backpack is the emotional weight that holds us back from attaining the height of wealth we want to create for ourselves.

Emotional baggage? Here’s what you need to do with it

What emotional issues – trauma, fear, anxiety, stress – about money do you carry around? I’m not talking about the negative emotions you have after a bad day. You know the normal upsets that come once in a while and can be eliminated after having a good night's sleep. By emotional baggage, I’m referring to negative feelings that interfere with your everyday life.

As a student you took a loan to complete their degree program; though you earned the certificate, you continue to pay the debt years after graduation. The moment you remember that you still have a debt hanging on your neck, it sparks negative emotions in you.

It’s just like climbing a mountain to its peak only to discover that you still need to climb further. How frustrating this could be! With the knowledge that you’re your own advocate, you may want to be deliberate about getting free from it.

The first step towards breaking lose from your emotional baggage is to acknowledge it and recognize its source. Emotional baggage may stem from childhood, family, or even work.

Seek emotional freedom first…

Think of your emotions like food. When the food is fully digested you can absorb the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. However, when food is left undigested (or is difficult to digest, because it is overprocessed) this can deprive you of essential nutrients and energy. When your cells don’t have enough energy, this impacts the way you think, feel and believe. Emotions give you energy when they are processed.

As you process (rather than react to) your emotions, you gain wisdom, insight, and consciousness. This makes you a magnet for creating and sustaining a full (wealthy) life. If you think your problem gets resolved immediately after you pay off your loan, you may be disappointed to know that you’d still find another thing to worry about.

…and financial freedom follows

You see as my mindset shifted, I began to draw in new people, circumstances, and opportunities not just for myself but for my loved one. She got better and I became smarter in the way I invested my time, energy, and resources.

Wealth is so much more than what is on your bank statements. It represents an abundance of resources not just outside of you but inside of you. If you are frustrated with your situation, burning the candle at both ends, consider spending some time with your emotions, process what you feel and trust (just like digesting food) your emotions will convert to viable energy.

The truth of the matter is you have everything you need to live a full, abundant, wealthy life – you only need to leverage them.

You need less than you think

Money can’t buy you happiness; yet, you need it to live. Do we then try to make more of it or just be satisfied with the ‘little’ we have? If you grew up in a family that struggled to make their children attain a certain level of success, you’d be naturally inclined to work hard to make more money. Well, it isn’t a bad idea!

I used to think that I need to make millions of dollars to become a successful woman. The funniest thing is that the idea was just a mere contraption of my mind. I was wrong all the way! Don’t get me wrong! It wasn’t the case that I was having a bad motive to make money. However, I had the wrong reason for running after money.

It is then I got to learn that our reactions – that is, the way we respond to our emotions – do impact not only our own health (and wealth) but also others particularly the ones you are close to. This is because we are feeling beings first.

Here is the thing when it comes to emotions: you can’t put them in a box. In other words, how you feel about one thing, doesn’t stay in its area. It leaks into other areas of your life. So, if you are looking to generate money the answer may not lie in your bank account it may very well be linked to the fear, anxiety in your relationships including the one with yourself.

I know that can be tough to swallow, but it is true. You see what I learned is all that fear around money, was the way I was coping with my loved one’s situation. In other words, I felt helpless, frustrated, terrified so money (working, achievement) became the one thing that gave me a sense of control, that is until the universe put me in a situation where I had to surrender.

Freedom is a deliberate effort

Do you know one crazy thing about freedom? It requires a deliberate effort. Even if you have millions of dollars in your bank account, what you’ll use the money for will pose itself as a source of worry. It is then you’d start thinking of what you really need to live the kind of life you desire.

There’s no way your mindset will change if you do not work to improve it. Of course, it takes time to see the effect of the change. Notwithstanding, it’s right there – at the point you made the decision.

Everyone wants to live a wealthy life but only a few cares to know who they really are and what they want their typical lives to entail. The more you learn about these, the more likely you’ll change your future goal.

To sum it all…

Begin to value rather than manage (or control) what you feel. Surrender. Let your awareness, breath, and consciousness lead the way. Be the miracle that you are and never underestimate the power of feeling.

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Your emotions matter, processing them matters more ~ Sherianna

Sherianna Boyle