What is Energy in Action?
There is a new action in town, and it has nothing to do with adding more to your plate. The word action usually refers to the physical realm: focus on what you need to do (the actions) to move toward your goals.
Yet what if I told you, that was not the only way action can happen?
Action refers to all movement, and movement can come from the physical and non-physical realms. Physical movements are mentally driven — in other words, you do what you do because your thoughts tell you so. For example, you get up off the couch because you are hungry, or you set an alarm because you don’t want to be late for work.
On the other hand, non-physical movements stem from emotions and intuition. For example, you love the way a certain bookstore makes you feel, and that feeling might lead you to pop in during your lunch hour.
Physical movement starts with mental energy, while non-physical movement starts with emotions and intuition.
Too Much Mental Action Leads to Burnout
Approaching daily life from only the physical (mental) realm can lead to a life of overwhelm, anxiety and burnout. This is because your body reads any mental action as if it were real. For example, if you tell yourself you are going to be late, your body reads this as an emergency. When your body feels like it is in emergency mode, this spikes stress hormones and constricts not only you're breathing but also, emotional processing and intuition. Living in this way can help you get things done, but overtime spikes of adrenaline can lead to inflammation in both the mind (anxiety) and body (tension).
What is Energy in Action?
Energy in action is different, it doesn’t come from running, reacting, or triggered thoughts, instead, it arrives from a calm state of being. Each time you enter this state you are inevitably supported by a current of unconditional love, safety, reassurance and more. The book Energy in Action gives you insights as to what is happening behind the scenes and why these calming states feel so darn good.
You may have experienced energy in action, or calm states of being, when you found yourself connecting to nature, meditating, listening to music or sharing a meal with a friend or loved one. Yet, if you are like most people, you find these states don’t last. As soon as you step back into the real world, the pace of life picks up. This is where tuning into the spiritual laws of the universe as a guidance system can help.
The Spiritual Laws of the Universe
You may be familiar with the Spiritual Law of Attraction, which teaches you that in order to manifest something in your life, you have to first raise your vibration. While that may be true, here is the challenge, as soon as you think to yourself “I need to raise my vibration,” you probably are judging your experience. In order to work with the law of attraction, awareness through the lens of non-judgement is key. States of non-judgment can only happen from a place of feeling.
Feeling is the creative juice for cultivating balance, calm, inner strength, joy and peace. Feeling is what ignites intuition, insight and wisdom. Without feeling you risk the chance of becoming easily triggered, disconnected and overwhelmed.
Inside the new Energy in Action book, you will find an overview of 13 spiritual laws and 52 companion Cleanses designed to not just move (but also hold) your inner energy so you can go beyond imagining a life of peace and freedom into actually experiencing it.
Learn more about The Cleanse Method® or the book Energy in Action.
Let your energy do the work for you…
and give your mind a rest.