What are the Spiritual Laws?

The Spiritual Laws of the Universe are esoteric principals and universal truths. They are based on Hermetic philosophy from ancient Egypt, they are not a religion or theology. Instead, they are rooted in astrology, alchemy, consciousness and the laws of nature.

The spiritual laws, or principals, are based on the philosophy that the physical world is manifested from the non-physical. They invite us to view ourselves as limitless beings with infinite potential. Through the development of our conscious mind, we can take part in the manifestation of our outer reality. The principals and laws can be a guide.

Seven Hermetic principals served as the foundation for what would later become popularized by new age movements. Within these movements the laws would be further explored and developed by authors, spiritual teachers, physicists, religious leaders, artists and more.

The initial seven spiritual laws serve as the foundation for many other laws and interpretations to come. Taking the time to get to know and honor the initial seven provides you with an overall appreciation for the masters who guarded the wisdom they carry for centuries.

The Initial 7 Spiritual Laws

  1. The Law of Mentalism

    The world or the universe is a mental creation of the ALL. The true nature and power of everything is based on energy.

  2. The Law of Vibration

    Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates. Albert Einstein later contributed stating, “everything has its own vibration.”

  3. The Law of Correspondence

    And so above is below, and so below is above. The Kybalion. Through our own self-development (inner awareness) we can better understand the known (the material, mental) and unknown (spiritual).

  4. The Law of Polarity

    Everything has an opposite, yet everything is the same, they are just at different degrees. For example, love and hate are polar opposites, yet it is possible to transform hate into love, so in essence they are the same.

  5. The Law of Rhythm

    Everything flows out, and in, everything has its tides, rise and fall.

  6. The Law of Cause and Effect

    Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause.

  7. The Law of Gender

    Gender is everything and everything has its masculine and feminine principals.

How to Work with The Spiritual Laws

During the new age movement, we were introduced to ideas such as creating vision boards, visualization, and affirmations to help manifest dreams and desires. Many of these techniques and teachings were popularized by prominent public figures and teachers such as Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey and the movie The Secret. The laws continue to be springboard for other teachings, interpretations and techniques.

The book Energy in Action: The Power of Emotions & Intuition applies the spiritual laws as a guidepost for feeling. It shows how to work with spiritual laws to provide an inner map for moving emotional energy. The movement of our emotions ignites intuition. Intuition strengthens your ability to both see and trust how the laws are working in your favor. The book includes 13 spiritual laws pairing each with a ray of light.

The rays of light each have a starting point, but no end, they are infinite (similar to the spiritual laws), so it makes sense these two ancient systems work effortlessly together. As we know, light is one of the fastest and most powerful ways to move energy.

The Spiritual Laws of the Universe have stood the test of time and will continue to be explored by those who choose to observe, notice, allow and receive their existence. As humans evolve towards the 5th dimension and beyond it is likely that our exploration of spiritual laws will continue. They could very well be the key to creating harmony, peace and freedom in the world.

Related reading: What is Energy in Action?

Sherianna Boyle is the author of Energy in Action: The Power of Emotions & Intuition to Cultivate Peace and Freedom. Energy in Action covers thirteen spiritual laws and fifty-two practices to become fully aligned with them.

She is also the author of Emotional Detox book series, a spiritual teacher, adjunct Psychology Professor, energy healer, host of the popular Just Ask Spirit Podcast.