Your Daily Energy Insight Issue #1


Your Daily Energy is weekly insight from author Sherianna Boyle

into the evolution of ourselves as energetic, extraordinary beings.

I recently took a trip with my girls. What started out as pure curiosity has become an annual girls weekend of living on a farm. At the farm there is a small gift shop with beautiful local products, candy and souvenirs. Each year I tell the girls they can pick out one thing for themselves. Within the first few hours my youngest had picked out and purchased hers. It wouldn’t be long however, before she spotteda plastic zipper bracelet and begged me for another. I reminded her that she had already received her gift.

As I took my last walk in the woods nearly one hour before leaving to return home my little one decided to go into my wallet, take out a dollar and four quarters and purchase the bracelet on her own. When I returned from my walk she couldn’t resist the temptation to say, “Look Mama, I have a zipper bracelet.” After sorting out the details I told her she would have to return the bracelet and give me the money back.

Seeing her little face sink, melted my heart and observing all the positive choices she had made all weekend I decided to change the message. After repurchasing the bracelet I told her not to take money out of my wallet without permission however, I was giving her the bracelet for telling the truth.

It would be in the car ride home, twirling the bracelet in her hands, she would begin to feel guilty saying out loud, “Mama, I don’t deserve this bracelet, I am not a good Girl Scout.” This is when I would begin to teach her about her daily energy. “Honey, I said, you told the truth, and that is bigger than anything you could do.” Put it this way, I said, if it were a game, taking money out of my wallet would be worth five points and telling the truth would be worth one hundred. Sometimes we have to do the wrong thing before we do what is right. That is just how, God, made us.”

Now, I taught parent education for six years and co-developed the curriculum still widely used today. I realize the importance of logical consequences and follow thru. However, my insight as a Quantum healing practioner has shifted the way I approach everything in life. What I have learned is telling the truth is one of the ways we free ourselves from the binds of guilt and shame. Truth is a high vibrational act which must be honored. Control on the other hand, holds us back from our power and interferes with our ability to truly connect to one another.

Today, to increase your daily energy consider, noticing what you might be hiding. How might you be taking the energy of someone else without their permission? Perhaps you dwell on the past or are passively giving out consequences by withholding your love. Allow yourself to be honest and know this will help you rise more than anything else you can do.

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