What Happened on 12/21/20?

Something extraordinary happened on December 21, 2020, the planets aligned themselves in the same configuration as the star of Bethlehem which guided the wise men. Since this is such an unusual event I took it upon myself to gather more information by moving myself through a CLEANSE. If you don’t know the CLEANSE is an acronym for the seven steps of an Emotional Detox featured in my books Emotional Detox and Emotional Detox for Anxiety. Here is the information I received:

This event is about forgiveness. You are receiving an opportunity to be forgiven for all that you have done or what you have left undone. Before you start trying to figure out what that might be know this goes beyond this lifetime. On December 21, 2020, this represents the completion of a cycle that has been running for quite awhile. In other words, you are forgiven for all that has occurred (karmically) in any lifetime.

Now of course you have free will and therefore you can choose whether to align yourself with this energy. Things are going to be different from this point on. Old ways of thinking, reacting and behaving will not stick. Ego is being dissolved and replaced by love. I have also been guided to put these messages out more frequently, so in January 2021, I will be channeling and providing Manifesting Messages on a weekly basis. If you subscribe to my website you will be able to receive them. My hope is to get this world feeling again.

Be well everyone and rejoice, a new way of being is here!



Sherianna Boyle