The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Dimensions Explained

What are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions? First, a little background on how the concept of dimensions came to be. Albert Einstein introduced the concept of the universe as having more than a 3D reality when he developed the theory of relativity. His theory “postulated to explain how light moves at a constant speed relative to all observers, can best be expressed in four dimensions. Instead of considering space and time independently, he proposed a unified vision of spacetime.” (

Other scientists and mathematicians would later expand on his theory:

“Dimensions are simply the different facets of what we perceive to be reality. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively). Beyond these three visible dimensions, scientists believe that there may be many more. In fact, the theoretical framework of superstring theory posits that the universe exists in 10 different dimensions which govern the universe.”

—Jolene Creighton, Futurism

Understanding the 3rd dimension (from a metaphysical viewpoint) can help us grasp these concepts and differentiate between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions.

The 3rd Dimension

Third dimensional frequencies have a slower, denser rate of movement in the atmosphere. In these slower rates of movement, this is where suffering can live. This is because lower frequencies are where the energy of fear, ego and illusion reside.

These states can be very difficult particularly for individuals with low self-esteem, or who are living with high levels of stress. So, in the 3rd dimension you are more likely experience a feeling of separation and powerlessness from time to time.

With that said, it is important to remember you have free will and this means you can consciously choose to move the energy in a way where you can begin to access higher vibrations of love and peacefulness by connecting to fourth dimensional frequencies.

The 4th Dimension

The fourth dimension can be accessed through mindful practices and activities such as: meditation, art, music, yoga, breathing, writing, walks in nature and more. With discipline and practices 4D frequencies help you dissolve the layers of fear so you can step into your true power. This is where you start learning to function on earth as a being of unlimited possibility. You will naturally detach from money, fame, popularity as these are all illusions held by third dimensional frequencies.

Many people oscillate between the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Staying true to your practices will help you hold your energy during turbulent times. If you are looking for a place where you can learn, grow and take part in high vibrational practices you might want to consider joining our on-line community.

The 5th Dimension

The 5th dimension is where pure unconditional love resides. You know you are in the 5th dimension when you no longer feel the need nor the desire to control or manage what is happening, it just is. Instead, you are in awe of the beauty and magic of life. The 5th dimension is like heaven on earth.

Some individuals may resist 5D frequencies and that is okay. We all have freewill. Yet those of us who are open to receiving 5th dimensional energy will benefit greatly.

Together we can ascend into the 5th dimension and a new way of life. One where we can be grounded in love. This won’t happen overnight, instead it will be a gradual progression. You can assist in the facilitation of the energy by choosing to process what you feel, spend time in nature, purify your mind, pray, meditate, and take care of your precious energy.

Sherianna Boyle is a best-selling author, founder of Cleanse Yoga® and the Energy In Action™ program where she offers weekly LIVE energy boosts via meditation and movement practices. She is also host of the popular Just Ask Spirit Podcast. Her books are available at all bookstores.

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