How to Reach the 5th Dimension

The 5th dimension holds the vibration of love. It is not a place but rather a state of being. In this state you are able to hold energy. In other words, you no longer perceive the outside world as taking something (love, energy, security) away from you. This is because you are spiritual awake, open and in tune with the divine loving forces around you. As a result, you feel safe, loved, whole and free.

Individuals who have touched base with the 5th dimensional frequencies naturally become more curious. While it may seem like the fifth dimension is something new, your soul is very familiar with this frequency. Therefore, it is not a matter of getting or even reaching higher dimensions but mores so harnessing the power of elevating your own inner frequency.

How to Reach the 5th Dimension

Reaching the 5th dimension—or becoming a 5D human—is not based on your age or experience. In fact, children have a natural way of accessing the 5th dimension through their imagination. The key is to teach children how to discipline their imagination in a way where it serves them. Adults who are creative or enjoy activities such as listening to music may also find themselves enjoying the inner experience of the 5th dimensional state. Once adults learn how 5th dimensional energies support and ultimately shift their experience here on earth, they naturally want to learn more about living in 5D.

Choose 5D

The first step for reaching (accessing) the 5th dimension is to choose it. This happens on both a conscious and subconscious level. To consciously choose 5D means to purposely surround yourself and partake in activities which elevate your vibration. Things like meditation, chanting, prayer, nature walks, sound healing and more. Since many of these practices give you the means to access the subconscious mind you will naturally begin to train your energy to relax. Like anything else in life, the key is to be open and consistent with your practice.

Process Your Emotions

Another key component is emotional processing. Without taking time to process your emotions, you may find some of the tools and techniques fall short. This is because your emotions are energy. Without processing (which is not rehashing, talking about, or reacting) you will create energy blockages making it more challenging for you to fully integrate these higher frequencies.

I worked with a client who was looking for a new spiritual teacher after a negative experience with another teacher. The client wanted to know how a spiritual person could respond in such a cold way. My response was that person was simply choosing to remain hurt or angry. Most people (even some spiritual teachers) have not learned how to truly process what they feel.

An Emotional Detox—or Cleanse—teaches people how to process what they feel, mindfully in less than ten minutes. The bottom line is holding a grudge hurts you (and your vibration) more than anyone else. It is important to learn how to forgive.


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Chanting is an ancient spiritual practice that has been around for thousands of years. Chanting has proven to decrease anxiety and depression while increasing a positive mood and attitude. The repetition of vocal chanting calms your nervous system and while circulating mood boosting neurotransmitters. Studies show repeating a mantra (a word, phrase or syllable) for just ten minutes can alleviate ruminating thoughts.

As your thoughts dissipate you gain an overall sense of oneness. It is in this state we are no longer separate from one another. This unity and oneness are what the 5th dimensional experiences feel like.

The mantra HUM (HUM means enlightenment) is a simple meditation chant to begin with.

High Vibrational Music

A second practice is to listen to high vibrational music that incorporates the 528 hertz frequencies. The 528 frequency is often referred to as the love frequency, spiritual DNA repair frequencies or the miracle tone. You can find some of these frequencies available on YouTube for free.

Many people experience the benefits right away. I will often play these frequencies in my home while doing household chores. The key is to know that as your body begins to relax and your blood pressure reduces, notice any signs of 5th dimensional shifts.

Spiritual and Emotional Signs of Dimensional Shifting

Dimension shifting mean you are in the process of raising energy in your physical and energy body.

New Perspective & Insights

As you integrate 5th dimensional frequencies into your life don’t be surprised if you begin to have a new lens on life. Spiritual laws become clear. Things that bothered you in the past will no longer impact you in the same way. Rather than become triggered by past events and old emotions instead you will be able to embrace them with curiosity and ease.

A sense of inner strength and grounding

As you begin to release and transform past events you be able to step into your true power more freely. True power doesn’t come from money, fame or popularity. It arrives from an inner strength. The 5th dimensional frequencies can help you cultivate that inner strength so you can begin to enjoy your life here on earth with a sense of purpose and presence.

A connection to something higher

The 5th dimensional frequencies connect you to something greater and as a result you no longer feel alone. Instead, you move through life feeling divinely supported and guided each step of the way. Friends and family members are likely to notice shifts in you. They may begin to ask you questions, like what kind of practices you are doing. See this as a sign you are shifting to 5D.

Physical Ascension Symptoms

Ascension is about becoming spiritually awake, but can also cause physical or bodily symptoms. As more people become invested in their energy on the planet the likelihood of 5D ascension symptoms increases.

Needing to Rest

As vibration increases there may be times where you feel tired. Ascension into a higher realm can cause an overall sense that you need to rest. I find the best thing is not to push yourself through let yourself have a day or two to move at a slower, gentler pace. Nurture yourself with nature, healthy foods and a good night’s rest. Note, it is always a good idea to let your doctor know what is going on especially if you feel anxious or depressed.

Reduction in inflammation

Many of my clients and members have reported physical changes in their body. For example, if they formally had pain or discomfort, they may notice it has decreased significantly. 5th dimensional practices build a sense of inner trust. Rather than try to control, manage or get rid of your symptoms instead you become more open to listening and responding in a way that feels right for you.

With that said, it is essential for you to take full responsibility for your health and always keep your doctor in the loop about what you are experiencing. I know many individuals that felt incorporating 5th dimensional frequencies into their daily life helped them get clear on what they needed to support themselves.

Bodily Intuition

For many years I struggled with my weight. It seemed like despite the amount of exercise my body was not responding. Once I started 5th dimensional practices (along with emotional processing) I was able to intuitive ask and receive bodily guidance. When I applied these insights into my daily life within weeks I started to see results. Applying my own intuitive guidance seemed to be the missing piece and what my body and spirit needed.

Individuals experiencing 5th dimensional shifts often describe internal shifts inside their body. For example, they may notice tingly sensation, a little shiver or quiver zip through them. These shifts help them detach and process condensed emotions with more ease. You will also learn to ask, listen and communicate with your body in new ways. Keep an open mind and stick with the practices.

The 5th dimension is a state of being it is here to assist the planet into a New Earth, one where you can experience unconditional love, and peace.

More Resources

Sherianna Boyle is a best-selling author, founder of Emotional Detox Coaching®, Cleanse Yoga®, and the popular Just Ask Spirit Podcast. Her books are available at all bookstores.

Sherianna Boyle5D